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Rédaction Prod in Bordeaux

For the Bordeaux Visiotour, Rédaction Prod has designed and produced an audioguide for children in French and in English.

Most of our characters are imaginary: here, however, Michel de Montaigne reappears from the past to tell Eléonore all about the most beautiful monuments of Bordeaux.  

Children discover Bordeaux’s history and take it all in with a smile as they listen to our audio-staged commentaries. 

Rédaction Prod in Marseille

For the Marseille Colorbus, Rédaction Prod has designed and produced an audioguide in 8 languages.

The French version features a male and female voice tandem, and as always, foreign language versions with native translators and voice-over actors, who set the tone as they recount anecdotes from Marseille, sometimes tragic, but always colourful. 

Rédaction Prod in Avignon

For the Avignon Little Tourist Terrain, Rédaction Prod has designed and produced an audioguide in 10 languages as well as an audioguide for children in French.

The French narrator is Patrick Laplace: a well-known voice-over actor (who dubs the voices of Ralph Fiennes and Woody Harrelson among others) 

Conception de commentaires audio scénarisés - audioguide enfant - Parcours scolaire
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